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Titanium jewelry 钛首饰,钛饰品,钛时尚饰品
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Titanium jewelry 钛首饰,钛饰品,钛时尚饰品

钛作为一种太空金属最早应该用在飞机,宇宙飞船,航空探测器等高科技行业,进入九十年代以来,随着科学技术的不断进步逐渐应用到民用等各行业,特别是在首饰行业,人们正在充分利用钛金属对人体无害等特点,大力开发这种新金属产品,已被越来越多的人们所接受,深圳市圣代饰品有限公司所开发的钛首饰产品中有镶宝石、镶磁、镶锗等系列,使这种首饰产品在追求美观大方的同时更注重对人体的保健作用。磁石、金属锗对促进人体的血液循环百利而无一害,能最大程度的减少人们的身体疲劳,对缓解心血管疾病有很好的辅助治疗效果。Long before titanium has been applied in the high technology. Such as the airplane the airship and the Aviation Locator . manufacture industry . Since 90’s,with the development of technology ,titanium has been used to satify our life demand, especially in the jewelry business . Because it is harmless to human body , the titanium jewelry has become popular jewelry . Sundance jewelry CO.LTD has developed many kinds of favour titanium jewelries . In the series of our products , we developed a special product which is constructed with tie and gem ,magetism stone and Germanium. Because magetism stone and Germanium can promote the blood circulation of our bodies. This product can relax our exaust body and make a consecration to cure the cardiorascular disease.

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[ 联系方式 ]
icon 公司名称 深圳市圣代饰品有限公司
icon 街道地址 广东 深圳 南山区白石洲上白石村二坊 518000
icon 电话号码 86 - 0755 - 26930532
icon 传真号码 86 - 0755 - 26930532
icon 公司网址 www.sdjewelry.com.cn
icon 联系人 王先生 / manager

电话:86-0755-26930532 传真86-0755-26930532 联系人:王先生